.. is het devies als je gaat pinnen. Dit weekend hoorde ik weer van een authentieke pin-code en pasdiefstal, plaatsgevonden in Barcelona. Waarbij zelfs de lokale bevolking waarschuwt voor pincamera'tjes en dergelijke. In dit concrete geval was pas gestolen en lijstje met viercijferige code's (waarvan één inderdaad de pin was). Auw... dat kost je dan geld als klant.
Dat geldautomaatfraude wereldwijd steeds meer voorkomt blijkt ook uit dit artikel in de American Banker. Voor wie niet wil betalen hieronder wat saillante citaten. Strekking van het artikel. In de VS hoeft de consument zich niet zozeer zorgen te maken, wel hebben de verschillende aanbieders van geldautomaten, banken etc. duidelijk verschillende belangen en geven ze elkaar de schuld.
On July 23 the Electronic Funds Transfer Association organized a meeting of nearly every interested party to work on collective solutions, specifically to the growing problem of skimming. This type of fraud involves stealing PIN numbers and other card data, often through devices attached to the machines, and using the data either to manufacture fraudulent cards or to loot bank accounts.
Because many of the entities represented at the meeting had conflicting interests, Mr. Polmer and others expressed concern that the "ATM Integrity Task Force" that was set up at the meeting might not be able to sustain a united front. "The potential for disputes between the parties over their liabilities to each other lies just below the surface," he said.
The task force includes officials from ATM manufacturers, banks, independent sales organizations, the card associations, electronic funds transfer networks, software companies, and law enforcement. Since skimming could be fostered by negligence on the part of any of the entities involved in a transaction - from the card-issuing bank all the way back to the ATM manufacturer - all manner of finger-pointing is possible.
Consumers who report unauthorized transactions to their card issuers in a timely fashion are made whole by their bank and protected against losses by the EFT Act, the Federal Reserve's Regulation E, and card association rules such as zero liability.