Friday, July 19, 2002

P2P stopt in VS; Canada begint

E-payment news meldt:

Canada's banks are promoting online P2P payments as an alternative to check payments, and as the online equivalent of debit cards, just as US banks are dropping their services. Bank One, for example, is to drop its eMoneyMail service, in its day the first bank-branded P2P payment service, at the end of this month. But three Canadian banks, CIBC, Bank of Nova Scotia and Toronto-Dominion, rolled out P2P payments last month, with Bank of Montreal soon to follow, and Desjardin Group, expected to join the new network, which facilitates real-time P2P payments by running on the existing banking infrastructure.

Naar verluidt zou ten lange leste ook ING door gaan komen met een Paypal achtig betaalsysteem. Eerder nog was er overleg met de Rabo over gezamenlijke introductie, maar op het NOT-congres op 26 juni jl werd door Willem de Jager van de Rabobank tussen de regels door aangegeven dat dit van de baan was. Dus wachten wij nu op een ING-solo actie....