Thursday, May 12, 2005

CPSS consults on guidance for payment systems development...

This document is not a guide for business but for regulators. It provides 14 guidelines. But before making those final, we may all have a go at the report (not that that would seriously matter...).

As to be expected (CPSS is of course a central bank thing), the guidance is central bank centered. And tells us that its different for all countries, but one common rule is to involve the central bank in the game:
This report aims to give assistance in and advice on the planning and implementation of reforms in the payment system as a whole. It underlines that the central bank is always a driving force in the
development of the national payment system. However, reforms in this field depend on a parallel development of the banking system, and should therefore be a cooperative effort, involving stakeholders from, for example, the banking sector and regulatory agencies. An adequate understanding of the different infrastructures and their institutional framework is needed and is
indispensable for getting the priorities right.